Thursday, April 26, 2012

Afternoon Indulgence

What a great way to fill up a craving! I've been dying to make a grilled cheese ever since I saw Byron's recipe, and I must say, it's a winner. I changed it up a bit and added an egg, but overall it's a healthy and satisfying grilled cheese!

Ripe tomatos, two slices of rye bread, organic pepper jack cheese, and an egg!
The finished creation! You can see the runny egg yolk and the melted cheese. Delicious!
A great way to pair my grilled cheese. Sparkling POM juice!
An afternoon snack :) with my newly attained Yelp glass from the event

I think this totally justifies as an afternoon snack for me today because 1) I had a pretty filling breakfast and 2) I skipped lunch. I first made my over easy egg and then used the leftover butter for grilling the sandwich. To be quite honest, anything with cheese, I'm a sucker for, so clearly this was amazing. I'm always surprised at the things I can create if I just get myself to do it. In the words of Michael Jordan, "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying". Happy cooking!!

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