Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Asian Beauty Product Review: Rant

This item was such a splurge, and I was just very disappointed at the product. I know good whitening products are hard to find because you want something gentle enough for your skin but one that will also work well. I heard from Fuzkittie that this Paul & Joe whitening serum is the one she uses, and she speaks quite highly of it. I decided I had to try it just to see how good it was. Unfortunately, it didn't really change my skin at all. It didn't really brighten my skin or balance my skin tone. I believe this product was ~$60, and it's not even easy to find in the states. The texture is a milky white serum, and it blends very smoothly. It's more liquid-y that I'd like, so you have to really rub it on your skin for it to soak in. I know that Paul & Joe has another whitening product that's even more expensive, and that one is probably stronger than this, so I guess this was just not strong enough for me. I didn't have any negative side effects from this product, but I didn't gain what I was expecting, either. Overall, if you want to get whiter skin, stay out of the sun and wear sunblock!

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