Monday, May 14, 2012

Make Do With What You Got

So it's been ages since I last posted and I promise I have good reason. I came back home to LA and have been here for almost two weeks. Reasons I don't update when I'm in LA:

1) We have the slowest DSL Internet connection at home, thus I am extremely unmotivated to blog
2) I barely wear makeup when I'm in LA because I mostly just run errands with my mom and aunt all day
3) I've just been ridiculously lazy

With that said, I clearly have no valid excuse so I apologize. Now onto the post! I came back with chipped nails and a much needed cut. I realized that most of my nail polish collection was at SD, and so I had to dig through my mom's hundred-year old polish collection. OK, they're not THAT old, but let's just say they don't sell these colors anymore. I definitely wanted a brighter pink for the sunny weather, and I decided to use two polishes to make my desired color. Here we go:

Left: Revlon clear, Dior 479 Horizon, Nicole by OPI Find Your Passion

I originally wanted to just use the Dior polish, but it's a cool tone pink, and it has some blue iridescent that made my skin a lot darker. When I put the Nicole polish over that, it gave me a gorgeous bright pink color. The Nicole polish is a lot more orange than it looks, so with the two colors on top of each other, I got this really pretty bright pink. I was amazed myself at what had happened.

In this picture, the lighting makes it look bright red, but it's really just a bright pink. Surprisingly, I've gotten more compliments on this color than any other polish I've worn! Sometimes, when you're forced to think creatively, your best work is the result! Happy coloring!!

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